NACROA Committees

North American Camel Registry

Debi Sue Aven, Camel Registry Committee Chairperson

This committee seeks to develop a comprehensive system for tracking camels born, bred, and raised within North America in hope of collecting valuable information such as breeding lineage, birth dates, genetic concerns, and ownership history. This sort of registry would assist camel buyers and breeders in making informed decisions on camel buying and breeding. There is hope that keeping a registry could help prevent in-breeding and could minimize genetic disorders such as dropped ankles and low birth rates. This registry would also be a source for tracking camel birthdates as American camel owners often struggle to obtain accurate age information on camels.

Camel Registry Subcommittee: Bactrian Camel Stud Book

Guy Seeklus, Bactrian Camel Stud Book Subcommittee Chairperson

This subcommittee consists of building a stud book for Bactrian camels. It was decided to begin a stud book for Bactrian camels due to the Bactrian camel population in America being so small. The committee determined beginning with this smaller population would allow for learning the system and perfecting it before creating the Dromedary Stud Book. The committee has been meeting with representatives from such databases as those used by zoos. This process has allowed them the opportunity to ask questions, learn of data collection options, and personalize the database for camels.

Education Committee

Doug Baum, Education Committee Chairperson

This committee's goal is to create awareness and to provide information on camels, camel products, camel culture, and the camel industry in North America. This committee is integral in providing content for the NACROA website and social media. The education committee collaborates with US veterinarians and camel owners as well as international camel health professionals to provide quarterly online trainings for members ranging in topic from camel training to health, welfare, nutrition, and best practices.

Livestock Classification Committee

Amber Thesing, Livestock Classification Committee Chairperson

This committee has taken on the advocacy role of developing an action plan to promote the federal and state reclassification of camels. Currently, camels are classified as exotic animals rather than as farm animals. The exotic classification means that camel owners must pay higher premiums for insurance and follow more stringent rules for maintaining camels. This classification also stands as a barrier for those camel owners who hope to promote and capitalize on camel products such as milk or fiber.

Logistics Committee

Rena Salomon, Logistics Committee Chairperson

This very active committee is available for assisting NACROA members with the planning and implementing of camel activities, events, and festivals. This committee is able to provide assistance with marketing, technology, and developing ideas.

Business Committee

Guy Seeklus, Business Committee Chairperson

This committee works as a liaison for NACROA members as they seek to build and improve their camel industry endeavors. The members of this committee hope to develop relationships and collaborations that will improve NACROA members’ ability to gain success within the niche camel industry.

Field Research Committee

Nick Morrow, Field Research Committee Chairperson

This committee is focusing on the research topics most important to raising camels in North America and hopes to bridge the gap between what information currently exists and a pragmatic approach to camel wellbeing and production. The first topic on the radar of the Field Research Committee is how North American camels are affected by parasites. Currently, Nick Morrow, chairperson is conducting the largest study on camels and parasites in North America and this committee is dedicated to collecting samples and information from camel owners while also compiling applicable information to help camel owners better combat parasites and develop comprehensive prevention plans.

Camel Welfare Committee

Dr. Charmian Wright, Camel Welfare Committee

This committee is dedicated to seeking, reviewing, and distributing information related to the health, wellbeing, and production of camels in North America. This committee seeks to be a resource to camel owners who seek veterinary guidance, assistance locating a camel focused veterinarian, and health information for their camels. This committee works closely in tandem with the Field Research Committee to advance the knowledge of camel health issues in North America.

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