Executive team attends ICO meetings in KSA

Members of the executive team for the North American Camel Ranch Owners Association (NACROA), accepted an invitation from the Saudi Royal family and the International Camel Organization (ICO) to attend the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The festival, held annually in the desert outside of the capital city, is considered the largest camel festival in the world where events include camel racing, camel milking and the ever famous, camel beauty pageants. Similar to the livestock shows held in the United States, camel owners from all over Saudi Arabia bring their best camels in hopes of taking home prizes that include large sums of money, new vehicles and the ever sought after bragging rights.

NACROA collaborated with camel owners from Saudi and Europe by attending meetings with delegates and ICO officers where they detailed the obstacles that American camel owners face. In order to promote North American camels, they engaged in multiple media interviews including a live TV show and several radio shows.

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