NACROA is proud to be associated with these organizations
The wild camel (Camelus ferus, хавтгай, 野骆驼) is the eighth most endangered large mammal on the planet. It is critically endangered. There are approximately 600 in the Gobi desert in north-west China and approximately 450 in the desert in Mongolia. The Wild Camel Protection Foundation (WCPF) is the ONLY charity in the world with a SPECIFIC mission to save this remarkable creature and its pristine desert environment from extinction and destruction.
Camel Charisma is a social enterprise that aims to develop, promote and market environment friendly products from the camel. Founded in 2010 by two founders, Mr. Hanwant Singh Rathore & Dr. Ilse Kohler-Rollefson, Camel Charisma has been inspired by the experiences and close connection of Lokhit Pashu Palak Sansthan (LPPS) with Rajasthan’s camel pastoralists. It was set up as an outcome of a project by LPPS to revive Rajasthan’s camel husbandry for creating sustainable rural livelihoods in semi-arid and arid areas, as well as creating job income opportunities for the local communities.
The mission of the International Camel Organization is to contribute to preserving the Bedouin-cultural heritage and the authenticity of the peoples of the world through the development of camel breeding culture.
The camel club concerns with camel care as popular heritage. It supports and develops it in a manner that is suitable with the current time, and it increases interest in, preservation of, and upholding of such heritage.
JCPR is an exclusive journal which brings out the manuscripts based on New World and Old World camelids. This journal provided a very good platform to publish camelid literature with a view to find the missing links of research and to update the camelids practitioners and researchers with latest research.
The International Society of Camelid Research and Development is a non-political, non-religious and non profit federation of camelid scientists or similar scientific and professional associations.
European Camel Ranch Owner Association is a non-profit association based in Switzerland. It was founded on October 26th of 2019 in Rumlang Zurich, Switzerland and included 8 member states at the beginning. It’s a part of “ICO” which is the International Camel Organisation based in Saudi-Arabia.
DromaCity shares information on the dromedary and its environment, a broad field which can address ecology, water and pasture management, the transhumance of men and herds, knowledge of the arts and cultures of Sahara, the rock art, but also the geopolitics which regularly invites itself in the news of this geographical sector of the planet. Great explorers, past or future, are also invited and are at home on the DromaCity site.
This site brings together camellid enthusiasts and wishes to support initiatives to help owners, breeders and lovers of camelids.
The mission of the French Federation of the Camel is to develop the amateur and professional sector of large and small camelids in France. It relies on a European and international institutional and professional network to offer insurance to protect camel owners and camel operations.
A website and blog created by Dr. Raziq Kakar, who has a doctorate in animal science, with a special emphasis on dromedary as a potential dairy animal. He has been working with the camels for the last 22 years. He gained practical experience with camels, like a camel dairy professional, both by training and experience. Since 2014, Dr. Raziq Kakar is solely working with a camel dairying entity (Alain Farms for Livestock Production) which is the world’s first commercial camel dairy, Alain Abu Dhabi UAE
Our vision for the National Service Animals Memorial is to create a moving and inspiring experience that is a “must-see” destination in the nation’s Capital. We envision a park-like or city plaza setting with pathways leading to beautiful bronze sculptures of service animals, depicting the many ways these amazing creatures aid and protect our nation and citizens.
For more information, please email Valeri Crenshaw or call (816) 805-7728.
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